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Introducing: Capture The Chemistry

Well, Next week is my last week at my full-time job, and although it is bittersweet, I'll be embarking on a whole new adventure that I can't wait to share with you!

As I begin to become a full time photographer, I realize I need to incorporate a brand that people can remember. Something that will be catchy, nobody has, and I can use as my #hashtag as well ;)

SO, here I am to introduce Capture the Chemistry! Over time I realized what I really love to capture is that moment between two people, those silly moments between family members, or even just a portrait with your personality showing through. They are very specific to emotion, and very specific to you and who you are. This led me to the word Chemistry. And what do I do? I capture it!

Capture The Chemistry

Below are some of my favorite images that I believe capture the chemistry in a single moment. Hope you Enjoy!

So there you have it! Until next time!


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